Computer Love

Computer Love

Computer Love 8/17/2021 Listen Now: Growing up during the personal computer revolution of the 80s instilled us with a love of computers that continues to this very day. On this episode, we’re reliving our earliest and most influential computing experiences...
Alien and Aliens

Alien and Aliens

Alien and Aliens 8/1/2021 Listen Now: On this special McQuaid Arcade double feature: a groundbreaking masterpiece of claustrophobic sci-fi horror, followed up by one of the greatest sequels ever made. Stop your grinnin’, drop your linen, and join us as we...
Soundtracks Part 1

Soundtracks Part 1

Soundtracks Part 1 6/26/2021 Listen Now: Growing up, soundtracks allowed us to relive our favorite movie moments, and opened our young minds to musical artists and genres we might have otherwise missed. Grab some fresh batteries for your Walkman and join us as we take...
An American Werewolf In London

An American Werewolf In London

An American Werewolf In London 6/6/2021 Listen Now: In 1981, John Landis’s pitch-perfect storytelling combined with Rick Baker’s groundbreaking special effects to give us what is still the best werewolf movie ever made. Scary, gory, smart, and funny, An American...
The Nintendo Entertainment System

The Nintendo Entertainment System

The Nintendo Entertainment System 5/24/2021 Listen Now: At a time when the once-booming American home video game industry seemed to be nothing more than the passing fad its critics had predicted, the Nintendo Entertainment System won over jaded retailers and...